november, 2023 Plastic Recycling Indonesia Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran Jakarta, Indonesia 15nov202315 - 18 November 2023Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoranplasticsandrubberindonesia.comThe 1st edition of Plastic Recycling IndonesiaSuccessfully held for the first time in 2022, this year the Circular Economy Zone returns in a bigger space and with more detailed, state-of-the-art industry-targeted content. Join us now! More DetailsVISIT WEBSITEINDUSTRY TYPE:Plastics & RubberCONTACT:Farah Alkatiri[email protected]+62 21 2525 320OPENING HOURS:10:00 am - 6:00 pm Time15 (Wednesday) 10:00 am - 18 (Saturday) 6:00 pm LocationJakarta, Indonesia Organizer Farah Alkatiri[email protected]